Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Batman kidnapped by Granny Goodness

(this is a review with spoilers from issue 2 of Final Crisis)

This just in... late breaking news. Veteran crime fighter Batman has been kidnapped by the resurrected Granny Goodness of Apokolips. Goodness like the other evil Gods of Apokolips under the leadership of Darkseid, were all presumed dead after the destruction of Apokolips.

Granny, evidently possessed Alpha Lantern Kraken of the Green Lantern Corps, and during an autopsy of the New God Orion at the JLA headquarters captured Batman while they were together examining Orion.

In other news it has been reported that Mr. Miracle Shilo Norman was seen in Japan recruiting new heroes to battle what he referred to as the evil beings who won a cosmic battle.

This 2nd issue of Final Crisis ties in well with issue number one of Final Crisis as well as Countdown to Final Crisis. It also has characters brought in from the Grant Morrison's recent Seven Soldiers of Victory with this issue featuring Shilo Norman.

The artwork is of high quality with great coloring. The darker colors used in the backgrounds help set the mood for the evil forces plotting throughout this mini-series. Although being chased by Death in the form of the Black Racer this issue does feature Barry "The Flash" Allen at the very end of the issue. There are also scenes featuring Superman, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and Lantern John Stewart, as well as the new Question, Rene Montoya.

This issue did not feature the Monitors or any verbal reference that I can remember concerning the Multiverse. However, I did see Kamandi being held in a cage by certain evil Gods near the end of this issue.

What's going to happen next? To find out stay tuned and don't miss the next issue of Final Crisis.

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At 5:13 PM, Blogger Nick Jonas Fan said...

Hey Keith,

Interested in joining a group blog? I don't want to post too much in public, but email me at bart@paperbackreader.com if you'd like to hear more.

Feel free to not approve this message, I couldn't find another way to contact you.


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